Compilation Services

  • Preparation of Financial Statements: Assemble financial data into financial statements without expressing any assurance.

  • Basic Accounting Assistance: Provide assistance with basic accounting tasks such as bookkeeping.

  • Presentation in GAAP or Other Frameworks: Format financial statements according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or another appropriate framework.

  • No Assurance Provided: Offer no assurance on the accuracy or completeness of the financial statements.

  • Limited Procedures: Perform limited procedures primarily focused on formatting and organizing financial information provided by management.

  • Suitable for Internal Use: Ideal for internal use or when minimal assurance is needed, such as for management's use.

Review Services

  • Limited Assurance: Provide limited assurance that no material modifications are needed for financial statements to conform with GAAP.

  • Analytical Procedures: Perform analytical procedures to identify unusual items or trends in the financial statements.

  • Inquiry of Management: Conduct inquiries of company management regarding financial information and related disclosures.

  • Less Invasive than Audit: Less detailed and extensive than an audit but more involved than a compilation.

  • Identification of Misstatements: Identify material misstatements or deviations from GAAP based on analytical procedures and inquiries.

  • External Use: Often suitable for external stakeholders who require some level of assurance, such as lenders or investors.

Audit Services

  • Reasonable Assurance: Provide reasonable assurance that financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

  • Detailed Examination: Conduct a detailed examination of financial records, including testing of transactions and account balances.

  • Internal Controls Assessment: Evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting.

  • Verification Procedures: Perform verification procedures such as confirmations with third parties, physical inspections, and reconciliations.

  • Compliance Testing: Test for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  • Audit Report: Issue an audit report that includes an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements in conformity with GAAP.

  • High Level of Assurance: Provide the highest level of assurance, suitable for stakeholders such as shareholders, creditors, and regulatory bodies.