5 Ways to Look Rich Even If You're Not

Are you trying to fake it till you make it? Here are 5 tips to look rich and boost your confidence!

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If you look on the red carpet you will likely not see a hair out of place. This is because celebrities and the wealthy present themselves as put together. This means, getting haircuts, styling your hair, and shaving or plucking when necessary.

None of this costs a lot of money, particularly if you learn to cut your own hair, but the idea is to present yourself as put together as possible and like you intended to do so.


Nowadays people think buying expensive clothing is what is fashionable, but my recommendation is to buy clothes that you can afford. There are many great deals from department stores, retailers like Target or TJ Maxx, or even Amazon that have great collections to choose from. There is no need to break the bank here.

The biggest recommendation is to buy clothes that fit you properly. You can’t go wrong with jeans and a fitted t-shirt and jacket. Take a look at the styles of people you’d like to emulate and see if that’s something you can put together or pull off. 

Also, do not forget about the shoes. Be careful with your shoe selection, especially if you’re buying sneakers because you can look like a kid instead of someone rich. I recommend some nice loafers.


You don’t have to have an expensive car, but if you have a not-so-nice car AND it’s dirty, it does not look good. Cleaning your possessions means your care about them. Not only does this present yourself as someone who cares about your things, but it also can project that you will care about people too.

Not to mention it will be way less embarrassing if you need to drive others around in your car. 


People love to see others smile. It can be contagious, boost your confidence, and get people to like you more. Smiling also helps to make you happier and if you’re smiling often people will think your life is pretty good – meaning you will appear wealthier.

Also, use a whitening toothpaste. Rich people almost always have sparkling teeth.


This means exercising, eating right, taking care of your mental health, and sleeping enough hours in the day, 

Putting in the time to exercise can make you appear rich because rich people typically have the time to work out. It can also help to build confidence.

Eating right is important for not only your health but also your skin and brain function. Eating right means you know how to take care of your body and that you prioritize your health over cheap, unhealthy meals.

And sleeping and taking care of your mental health can put you in a great mood that will help you shine your light onto others.

If you do all of these tips, you are sure to look put together and confident – and that’s really what looking rich is about.